Barry and Desma and their two children have been in Cameroon living life among the Baka for over 18 years. There have been joys and struggles throughout their ministry, but through it all God has been good.
They are currently rejoicing that in the past few years they have seen spiritual growth in the lives of the Baka people. Some are taking the initiative to reach out to other Baka people on their own. One couple has been traveling to a Baka camp south of us two times a month to share with that village, all apart from missionary involvement. Other Baka are growing in their knowledge of God’s word.
They’d love your prayers and support as they continue to live life among the Baka. You can pray:
- For Barry and Desma as they get involved with a ministry and train to better minister to people struggling with alcohol addiction
- For their daughter, Brianna, who is in her second year of college. She led a mission trip to Peru this past summer with a group from her school.
- For their son, Brendan, who graduated from RFIS in Cameroon in June and is taking a gap year with Torch Bearers in Colorado
- For support to be raised while they’re in the states now through March 2024
- For the whole family, as Barry and Desma will return to Cameroon in March of 2024 without their children. (They are currently in the States fundraising.) Although they will miss them, they are thankful for the opportunities the Lord is providing both.

The Abbott’s are in need of monthly supporters to continue to minister in Cameroon. If you would like to be a part of their support team, go to the World Team’s website and include “Barry and Desma Abbott” with your gift. No commitment is too small!